Yoga for Kids: Beach Yoga Sequence
I am so excited to be bringing you our first monthly kids yoga hop!
Every month, we’ll be teaming up with other moms who love doing yoga with kids and sharing themed yoga sequences to hopefully inspire you to try yoga with your own children!
This month, we’re kicking things off with some beach-themed yoga for kids!
Yoga is a great way to help kids calm down and connect with their bodies. We like practicing as a family early in the morning, and Ella always has access to her yoga basket throughout the day if she feels like she wants a stretch or just to move her body around when we’re inside.
When doing yoga with kids, I tend to choose only a few poses and allow the children to request additional poses or practice the same poses over and over again. You really want children to take the time to focus on the pose and their bodies, rather than rushing from one pose to the next.
This is the sequence Ella and I did together, please use your own judgement and listen to your body when deciding which poses to attempt or in deciding if yoga is right for your family.
Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation is a great yoga pose to start any sequence with. Simply stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms straight up towards the sky. Tilt your chin up and stretch, feeling the sun’s warmth and taking deep breaths.
Warrior Pose 2
I always like to envision Warrior Pose as someone balancing on a surf board!
There are 3 variations of Warrior Pose, for this sequence we did Warrior Pose II: from sun salutation, slide your feet so that your right foot is still square to your body but comfortably behind you, and your left foot in front, like a deep triangle. Bend your left knee and straighten your right leg while lifting your arms to shoulder height, with each arm pointing straight in the direction of each foot.
Triangle Pose
From Warrior II, straighten your legs back to a deep triangle, rotate your arms so that your left arm is resting in front of your left leg and your right arm is pointed up to the sky, and tilt your torso accordingly. Turn your face to the sky and take deep breaths.
Dolphin Pose
Similar to downward dog, dolphin pose presents the extra challenge of laying your forearms flat on the ground.
Start by getting on all fours (knees and hands) with your knees shoulder-width apart. Lay your forearms against the ground with your palms face down, and push your hips up, extending your legs and feeling a gentle stretch in your back and necks. Keep your knees loose and come up on your toes if you need to.
Triangle Pose
From Dolphin, transition to Triangle Pose on the opposite side than you did it before.
Warrior Pose II
From Triangle, transition to Warrior Pose II on the opposite side than you did it before.
Sun Salutation
You can finish in Sun Salutation, or add on the additional rest of Savatsana.
Savatsana (Starfish Pose)
Pretending to be a starfish, spread out on your towel or yoga mat and take deep breaths as you prepare yourself for a fun summer day!
Thank you for reading our beach-themed yoga for kids sequence! Be sure to pop over and check out the beach-themed yoga sequence from Kids Yoga Stories.
beach yoga experiences are very excellent. Beach Yoga Included World Yogashala 200 hour yoga teacher training.