Delicious-Smelling and Taste-Safe Hot Chocolate Cloud Dough

3-ingredient Hot Chocolate Cloud Dough, a winter sensory play experience that your children will love.

PREP  TIME:  5 minutes

Estimated Cost: $3


•  Flour •  Hot chocolate mix •  Oil

Step 1

If you want to make the flour taste-safe, preheat an oven to 350F.

Step 2

Sprinkle the flour on cookie sheets and bake for 5 minutes.

Step 3

Measure out the flour and hot chocolate mix into a large container. Add enough hot chocolate mix to get the colour and scent that you'd like.

Step 4

Start with adding just 1 1/2 cup of oil to the dry mixture, fully incorporate it using your hands or a wooden spoon.

Step 5

The cloud dough should be soft and powdery, not wet, and hold a shape when squished.

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