children's bookreviews & activities (5)


Sugar, Spice and Glitter is not really a personal blog, as the name might suggest. It is mostly about the kids, but every Monday I like to sit down with a cup of tea… or coffee (it is Monday after all)… and share with you a bit of what is on my heart.

My most popular Mama Musings to date have been In Defense of the Pinterest Parent, TMI: Showing Montessori-style Respect to Our Children, and The Cost of Minimalism. (And, of course, the infamous Stop Calling Yourself a Married Single Parent…)

My musings range from the light-hearted to the more contemplative. This year I am on a journey towards a simple life, and there are a lot of things coming up for me as I go through that process. I am also finding that my motherhood role is shifting and changing as my daughter gets older, so that’s going to come up a bit!

If you’re curious to learn a bit more about me, this is a good place to start, but this whole blog (as well as my foodie site, In the Kids’ Kitchen) is me on a webpage. If there is anything you want to know, just ask! (You can either comment on a post, reach me on social media, or e-mail me at jennifer at  — just take out the space and replace the “at” with an “@”)

Now, onto the musings!

Minimalism Musings

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The Budget Posts

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Musings on Motherhood

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Indulgent Musings

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Holiday Musings

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More Musings

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